Monday, November 30, 2009

Zac L's Tips on How to be Persuasive in Writing

There are countless occasions where I had to convince someone to see things MY way. Whether it be my parents, teachers, or even my peers, the act of persuading someone is always a useful thing to have in your arsenal. Although you may think persuading someone to support your ideas may be easy, it can be a whole different story when writing. Therefore I have compiled a list of tips on using persuasion when writing (1 being most important and 6 being least important):
1. You must first grab the attention of the reader as quickly as possible. (preferably from the first line)
2. You must stay focused on what you want the reader to be convinced on. (don’t get off topic and stay consistent throughout)
3. You must provide examples that support your claim. (the more the better!)
4. You should be concise and to the point as the reader may not remain attentive.
5. You should also compare your claim to other related ideas.
6. Lastly, you must insure that you do not try to manipulate or bribe the reader in any way.(Although this is listed as least important, it is still imperative that you follow it!)
-The cartoon is an example of what not to do!
These tips have proven to be quite helpful for me and I can assure you that they will benefit everyone just the same!


  1. wow great blog! I think you provied great inforamtion and went into alot of depth and detail. You really did you research well and I felt your voice and not some random speech about essays. I know it can be hard to do that.Overall great job!

  2. One of the best blogs that I have read on here! You gave great tips on how to be a persuasive writer. The only thing I think you could improve upon would be to format your writing a little better. (ie. spaces between numbers). Overall, I enjoyed your post and it was very informative.

  3. this is a really good blog and i agree with dsgoldst. When I read this I feel like somebody was talking specifically with me. Also, good job on going straight to the point and keeping your audience attention. I like the cartoon.

  4. Good job! I could tell your tips came from your own knowledge- not the textbook. Spaces between the tips would make them stand out more, but I loved the formatting otherwise. I agree with the others, you did an excellent job!
