Sunday, November 22, 2009

David S. Writing Personal Business Goals

Setting goals can help prevent you from going day after day without accomplishing anything. Many times people get caught up with everyday life activities where time goes by, but nothing ever gets done. This never ending cycle will continue until you set goals. Goals can help you find a sense of direction and accomplishment.

Goals can and should be used in the business world. Setting goals for yourself to accomplish on the job can be very rewarding. For example, if your goal for the year is to meet your department budget, and you do indeed accomplish this goal, you may get promoted to a higher position (with that really comfortable leather chair and your own special parking space).

Setting goals are very easy to do.
Here is a simple checklist that will help you to set your goals:

1. Identify your goal by writing it down on a piece of paper (or drawing it if you are not artistically challenged like I am!)
2. Set a realistic time frame for accomplishing your goal (again be realistic, setting a goal to clean your desk should be a goal for the week not a year!)
3. List what you need to do to achieve the goal.
4. Identify who and/or what you will need to work with to reach your goal.
5. List the skills and knowledge that is required for you to reach your goal.
6. Write down the steps you will follow.

Goals can help you save time, be efficient, and accomplish more activities than without having any goals at all. So next time you have a task that you have to do, remember that goals can help aid you in accomplishing that task.


  1. David, I think you did a great job! You always use great visuals and like how you used bullets to show what the key objectives were.

  2. I really liked how you made a list of what we can to to set and achieve goals. Your post was very informative and your visual was great as well. It was very well organized and easy to read. Great job.

  3. Haha, your post speaks to me. Its so tough sometimes to set even the simplest goals. But it needs to be said. Your right. If we cant set even the simplest goals, then we will waste our time everyday in the simple tasks of the day to day grime. Good post and great tips on setting goals.

  4. What a cute lil' cartoon! You touched base on a lot of good points in setting business goals. I could definitely see these disorganized, borderline bankrupt office workers all taking a bit of advice from your blog.

  5. Nice work David! Your tips were very useful and can be applied to all areas of life. I would like to see the comic a little more polished, it would have a more professional look. Overall I really enjoyed it!
