Being courteous when writing in the workplace is exceedingly important especially when your reputation is considered. In order to have your words come across the page correctly and as courteously as possible, you must insure that you maintain a positive attitude while also paying attention to the tone projected. For example, writing out of anger will only give your reader a sense of frustration and resentment. Therefore, remaining somewhat positive while writing will help you seem more courteous and your relationship with the reader will benefit as well.
Another benefit to being courteous in your writing is if your message is directed toward a prospective client. In order to network and establish close personal relationships with your buyer or purchaser, your must always remain considerate and polite throughout all communication. A “Please” and “Thank you” are always in order when trying to remain courteous. I believe that a positive attitude must always be portrayed (whether you really feel that way or not) in order to be successful. Although speaking your mind may seem like the way to go, take time to reconsider the advantages and disadvantages of your actions. It will help tremendously in the long run!
I thought you did a great job! I enjoyed reading your blog because I felt your voice present. I think you provided excellent tips and got right to the point. I liked how you reminded people to use "please" and "thank you" because they can so easily be forgotten.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Danielle you did a good job on your post. I like the fact that you went straight to the point and gave good tips. I think this is important because most people scan the paragraphs instead of reading completely. Good job.
ReplyDeleteYou make a very good point. Being courteous in the business realm will go a long, long way. A simple "thank you" or a "please" may end up making a big impact on your business plans. It may win you the contract or may seal your raise. Its also a good habit to get into even in the non business world. :)
ReplyDeleteThese are some excellent tips to remember when writing in the workplace. You could improve this post by double checking your work and making sure that your post is perfect. Such as, either indenting both paragraphs or not indenting both paragraphs. All in all, good points on writing effectively in the office.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting such an important topic. You definitely convinced the reader that being polite is important. The length seemed a little short, maybe an example of rude writing or some phrases that seem impolite would have been a good addition. Overall you did a very nice job!