Monday, November 23, 2009

Aaron M's Tips to Meeting Minutes

Taking the minutes of a meeting is an incredible vital role. If you write good minutes then you will save a ton of headaches and be a lifesaver when it comes to going back in the records and having all the facts straight. A lot of the time, taking minutes is not a very popular position but it is a very necessary one. If no one can write what is going on or can look at the files to jog their memory, then many meetings can be headed for disaster which may lead to a company headed for trouble.

Some of the important things to know about when writing minutes is that you need to be as concise as possible. You don't need to record every single detail that occurs during the meeting. Just the important things, such as motions, resolutions, and votes. A good thing to do is to use the agenda as an outline to your minutes. And when you are wrapping things up and finishing your minutes. Make sure that they can be read and understood by everyone, those in the meeting and outside of the meeting. And before you send it out, it is good to spellcheck and proofread your document. When minutes are for a legal organization, then those minutes are now legal documents that the courts and IRS can look to for information. So you don't want to mess that up.

So basically the two things you need to remember is to write clearly and to write concisely. Doing just these two things will save you and others a lot of trouble and headache.



  1. Nice cartoon, very humorous. I like how you hit your points straight on and don't beat around the bush, just make sure you're proof-reading your blogs before you post; you want to make sure it flows. (i.e.- ". And when you are wrapping things up and finishing your minutes. Make sure..")

  2. I thought your post was very humorous. I especially enjoyed your comic. The only thing that you could improve would be to make sure that your sentences are complete thoughts. Overall, great post and a good laugh.

  3. Your cartoon is very cute this week! Your post really gave insight about the importance of minutes during meetings. I learned a lot! Your post could use a second round of proofreading. "it is good to spellcheck and proofread your document." I think "idea" is missing? Your content was great, good job!
